This week Darth Phil felt inclined to give his Imperial fleet another run, giving me a chance to try the "Han shoots first" list I read about online. Apparently it is foolproof... apparently.
The Millenium Falcon crewed by Han and Luke is accompanied by a rookie X-Wing pilot and Biggs Darklighter. Biggs has an unusual rule, if a friendly ship within range 1 is targeted and the enemy is able to target Biggs instead, they must do so. I took him as a fire magnet to protect the Falcon, and because it's always amusing to taunt those pilots who manage to die before Biggs! Facing the Rebels were two pods of Imperials. on the port side a Tie Interceptor with two Academy pilots in Tie Fighters, and to starboard Marek Steele in his Advanced Tie Fighter also escorted by two Academy pilots in Tie Fighters. Green pew-pew death hurts just as much as red pew-pew, and there sure is going to be a lot more of it.
The Rebel ships advanced at full speed, while to the two Imperial pincers closed but not enough for either to be in weapons range.
Next turn and the fleets collide! Those with a keen eye will find the lack of Biggs in this picture... disturbing.
With every ship happening to be in range, and all the Imperials forced to target Biggs, he went down in a blazing heap. Marek got a lock on the Falcon, and some Imperial ships were damaged but none lost.
The Falcon ploughs through, it's facing not important as it's turret weapons have an all-round arc of fire. The Rookie pulls hard to starboard to engage the Imperials, themselves either ploughing ahead or pulling a Koiogran turn to turn 180 degrees. The Falcon blasts Marek's shields while the Imperials whittle down the shields of the rookie and the Falcon.
A Tie fighter is knocked out, but still hideously outnumbered and lacking shields the rookie is blown to bits! Han hits the accelerator and the Falcon tries to put distance between itself and the remaining Imperials.
Keeping the Imperials at arm's length, Han manages some impressive rolls to inflict damage to Steele's Advanced Tie Fighter. The Imperials have by now blasted the shields of the Falcon away and the chase is on!
Performing a sneaky Koiogran Turn of its own, the Falcon turns to face the Imperial ships. More damage inflicted to some of the fighters, and more hits on the Falcon keeping Chewbacca busy. Will Han bolt right ahead or break left?
As if reading his mind, the Imperials guessed Han will head straight for them, and there's a collossal collision coming! The Falcon blasts its enemies bravely, but there is just too many of them and the Falcon is blown to pieces in the fusillade - another Imperial victory!
While the Tie Fighter swarm is an air traffic control disaster with many misjudgements causing collisions and costing the Fighters their valuable evade action tokens, it remains very challenging to beat. Taking Biggs was a real mistake, as this forced the Imperials to focus their fire on him and remove him from the game. The Rebels managed to damage quite a few of the Imperials but not focussing fire and destroying them outright meant they remained to return fire and eventually grab the win.
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