Friday, 8 May 2015

Darth gets his choke on

I've succumbed to the meta, and ordered a pair of ships that have had some success if forums are to be believed:

99 points

Commander Kenkirk (56)
VT-49 Decimator (44), Ysanne Isard (4), Gunner (5), Rebel Captive (3)

Patrol Leader (43)
VT-49 Decimator (40), Darth Vader (3)

Game 1

First up was Phil with a Scum list that I've tried to duplicate from memory and looked a lot like this:

96 points

Kavil (30)
Y-Wing (24), Autoblaster Turret (2), Unhinged Astromech (1), Push the Limit (3)

Binayre Pirate (14)
Z-95 Headhunter (12), Dead Man's Switch (2)

Tansarii Point Veteran (29)
M3-A “Scyk” Interceptor (17), Push the Limit (3), “Heavy Scyk” Interceptor (2), Heavy Laser Cannon (7)

Syndicate Thug (23)
Y-Wing (18), Ion Cannon Turret (5), BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0)

Setup and Phil's fleet deploys opposite two small moons...

First turn, and the fleets nervously edge towards each other, Kaval swinging left to join the rest.

The Patrol leader breaks to port to engage Kaval while Commander Kenkirk banks to starboard away from the kamikaze Z-95. Kaval pushes the limit preparing to pound his target. 

Meanwhile in the middle disaster strikes with the Y-Wing slamming into the back of the banking Z-95 and loses his action. The Scyk barrel rolls right and targets Kenkirk, earning him a stress token - thanks Rebel Captive!

The Decimators bank towards each other, turret guns hurling death at the Scummy Villains. Kaval and the Y-wing tag each other and switch targets. The Binayre Pilot in his flying bomb tracks Kenkirk enjoying a complete lack of return fire. The Decimators have taken damage but this gives Kenkirk an evade dice and a free evade action. Disaster strikes as the Scyk takes critical hits disabling his Heavy Laser Cannon and reducing his Pilot Skill to 0. (We both agreed afterwards this was the determining factor for the outcome.). He is reduced to moving 1 ahead to clear the accumulated stresses of targeting Kenkirk's ship.

Kaval, his shields down and ship damaged, takes enfilade fire from both Decimators and is blown to pieces. The annoying Binayre keeps chipping away while the Scyk carries on reducing his stress. The remaining Y-Wing hammers in firing both primary and secondary weapons. Unfortunately a single ion cannon token does nothing to Decimators. 

The Scyk is well on his way to pulling a Maverick, as this stolen footage taken from the Scum Battle Control Systems shows:

Despite having 9 square feet of playing space another traffic jam develops, even the M25 would be impressed by this.

The Scyk banks slowly as his allies scream at him to get back in the fight

With inspirational 80's battle music in his ears, the Scyk goes head-to-head with the Russian Mig Patrol Leader's Decimator, forcing it to fire on the Binayre instead.

Meanwhile the Binayre manages to cause his patented "crash for cash" scam on Commander Kenkirk, forcing him to target the Scyk.

Kenkirk hits the Scyk and blows it to pieces. The Patrol leader hits the Binayre, taking it to one remaining hull point. Vader strongly considers force choking the Scyk into the hereafter, but doing so will destroy the ship he's on as it only has two hull points left. The resulting explosion from the Dead Man's Trigger would harm Kenkirk too.

Disaster for the Empire as the Binayre lines up the Patrol Leader and shoots him down.

Kenkirk lines his guns up and shoots the Binayre down, victory for the Empire!

Game 2

Phil agreed to a second game, and his revised Scum force looked like this:

Ha! No really, it went something like this:

98 points

IG88-B (51)
Aggressor (36), Veteran Instincts (1), Sensor Jammer (4), “Mangler” Cannon (4), “Hot Shot” Blaster (3), IG-2000 (0), Stealth Device (3)
IG88-D (47)
Aggressor (36), Veteran Instincts (1), “Mangler” Cannon (4), “Hot Shot” Blaster (3), IG-2000 (0), Stealth Device (3)

Deployment and four large ships hit the table from opposing corners. They edge towards each other even more nervously than before.

The IG-88's are extremely manoeuvrable, running rings around the lumbering Decimators. Disaster strikes again as Phil mistakenly chooses a red action for a stressed ship and I get to choose the movement instead, which is why the one bottom left is bugging out.

One of the 88's loops around gently avoiding the table edge while his compatriot harries Kenkirk but builds up stress from shooting at a Rebel Captive.

Looping around the Patrol Leader manages to knock an 88 down to one hull, and Vader gives his ship two damage to finish the 88 off. One down one to go!

The remaining 88 lands up in a crossfire, reduced to one hull too and Vader makes it two for two!

While Vader isn't always a wise choice (particularly if the enemy has shields) in this case he certainly was worth his 3 points and earned some light approval.

Friday, 20 March 2015

Battle report 19 March 2015

Jumbo's Lead The Way

So after a break of far too many years I dusted off my Flames of War hat and took on Allan's well blooded panzergrenadier company.

The Forces

  • German
    • 3 x PanzerGrenadier platoons
    • 1 x Engineer platoon
    • 2 x 88mm guns
    • 3 x Tiger tanks
    • 2 x Quad AA halftracks
    • 1 x Battery of 4 x 105mm howitzers

  • US
    • 2 x M4A3 Shermans 76mm (HQ)
    • 2 x platoons each of
      • 1 x Sherman Jumbo
      • 2 x M4A3 Sherman 76mm
      • 2 x M4A3 Sherman
    • Priority air support with close support upgrade

The Battlefield

The battlefield was fairly open, the Germans enjoying some good broken ground while I had a couple of hills to hide behind. We deployed as below:

The Battle

Taking turn one, I sent both platoons surging 6" across the hill to make use of stabilizers but also get within the crucial 16" range. I knew those 88's and Tigers would have to be taken out if I stood any chance. I deployed right opposite them as their 40" range meant deploying away from them left me vulnerable to side armour hits. Straddling the hill I let rip with ten main guns and 30 VMG shots.

Despite being concealed and dug in, this was just enough to knock both 88mm guns out. So far so good, but three excellent Tiger tanks remained. Two P-47's came screaming in but were driven off by the AA trucks.

The Tigers returned fire, but their two hits were both allocated to the Jumbos and their front armour over 16" range meant no harm could come to the platoons. The 105mm artillery joined in, ranging in on the first attempt and knocking out an M4A3 and a Jumbo! That AT rating of 4 is far better than I remember. Meanwhile Panzergrenadier platoon 3 quietly made its way through the town towards my objective.

I sent both platoons forward and left to engage the tigers, while my HQ tanks moved right to squirt the advancing infantry. The Tigers and Shermans duelled for a few turns as the Jumbo deflected hits and eventually the 76mm Shermans knocked two of them out, the third Tiger breaking off and racing for Berlin. Meanwhile my HQ tanks were not making much headway against the excellent 3+ infantry save. The blinking artillery claimed another two Shermans.

Fearing I was going to claim the objective with the Tigers gone, Allan raced platoon 2 towards the objective alongside platoon 3. Platoon 2 moved at the double, and my HQ tanks emerged from the hills and couldn't resist lighting them up. Them moving at the double granted me 20 VMG shots which was enough to break the platoon and send them running. Platoon 3 was broken next as the HQ tanks turned their VMG's on them.

Last turn and the game still a draw, I sent Platoon 1 with it's four remaining tanks into Platoon 1. The panzerfausts missed and my tanks killed two bases. The Panzergrenadiers rallied and charged in, their panzerfausts hitting the mark and killing two Shermans. My platoon broke and ran for the hills.

The game ended in a draw, which was a fair result as it swung either way each turn. The 105mm guns were a huge problem for me. Having only 12 tanks I found didn't leave me enough to press an advantage once I'd made the gap. Having used the old Market Garden lists before, I found the upgrades in Blood, Guts and Glory make a massive difference to the ability of a Sherman company, the Jumbo's are incredibly useful and the 76mm mean Tigers have a real reason to stay hidden.

Great game, I look forward to more Flames of War goodness. 

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Games night 15 January 2015

  • Flames of War
    • Jack & Allan vs Phil & Alan
    • Rob vs Mark
  •  Art de la Guerre
    • Jon vs Andy vs Bruce
  • Saga Cross and Crescent
    • Rob vs John
  • X-Wing
    • Roger vs Neil